2023 AIMC

AIMC 2023 saw a return to The Star Gold Coast. Attended by 800+ delegates, the 76th Australian International Movie Convention featured thirteen Leading Distributor Presentations, several Special Advance Screenings, an innovative Trade Show, more Keynotes and Panels than ever, and a magnificent Gala Dinner. Below is the final program, stellar line-up of Presenters and other AIMC 2023 highlights.
In 2023, the 76th Australian International Movie Convention proudly returned to The Star Gold Coast, uniting Australia’s creative theatrical industries. Delegates enjoyed presentations from 19 Film Distributors, interacted with 21 industry trade companies and 9 feature films screened including the world first screening of Wonka (starring Timothy Chamolet) globally. The program updated delegates on the latest innovations for all things cinema, presented by international executives and thought leaders including Stuart Dickinson for VISTA (New Zealand), Rich Gelfond for IMAX (USA), Dean Schrafft for GOOGLE (Australia), Amy Pettinger for CREATIVE CONTENT AUSTRALIA (Australia), Wim Buyens for CINIONIC (Belgium), Neil Wirasinha for GRUVI (UK) & Harish Anand Thilakan for INFLUX WORLDWIDE (USA).
The Cinema Australia lunch was a successful event with MC Bern Young hosting discussions with Australian filmmakers, and representatives from Screen Australia, Screen Queensland and the Gold Coast Film Commission presented to delegates. Delegates enjoyed several panels, including the Australian Feature Film Forum “Ask Me Anything” which was a fabulous addition to the program and extremely well received and was made available digitally, enjoyed by a further 199 filmmakers.
Over 90 delegates visited Movieworld on the Friday post the event, and the AIMC worked closely with the Asia Pacific Screen Awards to cross promote their event to AIMC delegates and included a APSA screening for delegates on the final day of the event. The 3-day event concluded with an incredible Wonka Gala Party that to Warner Bros International attended by over 700 local and international delegates.
The post event survey noted that 95% of respondents were Very Satisfied / Satisfied with AIMC 2023, 97% of respondents left the AIMC feeling informed, motivated & engaged and 95% of respondents are likely to attend the 2024 AIMC.