
As a national association representing members from both independent operators and major cinema chains, the Cinema Association Australasia presents a strong and united force, representing over 2,000 screens across Australia and New Zealand, with members contributing 87% of Australia and New Zealand’s consolidated box office. Membership of the Cinema Association Australasia is open to parties owning and/or operating cinemas in Australia and New Zealand.

why join?

Members enjoy access to member only events, and importantly support the Associations efforts in lobbying government and media and advocating on industry issues.

As a cinema association representing members from both independent and major cinema chains, CAA present a strong and united force. Exhibitors regionally have made significant investments in the theatrical experience, and CAA believe strongly that this investment needs to be protected. CAA will continue to broaden its membership, with a view of providing support and representation for members, enhancing our united voice needed when discussing important sector wide challenges and opportunities with industry partners and government.

By joining the Cinema Association Australasia, you will support our efforts to enhance the regional cinema industry. 

Membership Options

Options exist to become an Ordinary Member (Major Exhibitor or Independent Exhibitor) or Associate Member.


As a national association representing members from both independent operators and major cinema chains, we present a strong and united force.

Exhibitors in Australia and New Zealand have made significant investment in the industry.

Australia’s favourite

Cultural activity or event

(ABS – 2023)


70 million cinema visits

in Australia & New Zealand annually

Over 530

screens in New Zealand

Over 2,250

screens in Australia

Fee Calculator

All cinema operators within Australia and New Zealand are encouraged to join our Association. Our fee schedule has been structured so it is fair to all exhibitors.

Fees are calculated at $37.50 (+ GST) per screen for the first nine (9) screens you operate, and then $62.50 (+ GST) per screen thereafter. The minimum fee for membership is $300 (+ GST).



per screen

(for the first nine)



per screen


How Do I Join ?

For more information on membership, please email Cameron Mitchell, Executive Director – The Cinema Association Australasia.